Attract monthly donors & build a sustainable revenue stream.

You can’t afford to not do this. 

Let us build your monthly giving prograM

scroll on To learn more



You know a monthly giving program
is crucial to be able to better forecast your impact but with limited time & resources it keeps getting pushed...

Welcome to the ONLY Monthly Giving Mastermind that brings ALL the necessary experts together to provide YOU with a one-stop shop to launch an impactful recurring donor program in just 3 months + a support month! 

YES, we will help you:

  • Define your ideal target monthly donor
  • Come up with a name for your program
  • Build a custom landing and thank you page
  • Craft all of the website copy and starter social media copy
  • Design social media graphics to share the news
  • Provide feedback on your email sequences

We are here for YOU. 


That's where we come in.


The best way to get a monthly program up and running -- especially for a small org like ours!

Not only did we get the monthly program up and running, but the assets from that are already being used in other ways as well so it's definitely a great investment."

- Emily, The Village

What Participants Are Saying...

"The mastermind was a well-run, individualized experience.

The support from a number of different professionals - from video work, copywriting, graphics, and everything in between - was so smooth! 

The new landing page is such an upgrade and really gets to the heart of what we do and how we want people to partner with us."

- Julia, The Party

Would you recommend this program to another nonprofit looking to build a recurring donor program? 

100% Said Yes

"My experience in the ‘Mastermind” was a wonderful learning experience, it was truly valuable interacting with Dana, Erika, Lauren and Tristyn and it was productive as we now have scripts and social media posts that have launched our monthly donor program!"

- Robert, The Path

"I think the whole process was great, and getting to roll the program out is awesome, but how genuine everyone was in working together was my favorite part.

As a team of 1, it was really nice to have brainstorming sessions and get to work with like minded people who were supportive and wanted to see my program succeed."

- Tiffany, The Beat

"One-on-one help with Dana and the hot seat with guests was so helpful!

We had these dreams and ideas, but having a spot to take them and make them 100x better was invaluable."

- Anna, The Trellis

How It Works

The Monthly Giving Mastermind is a 4-month hybrid program where you're able to hear ideas & share strategies alongside other nonprofits while our team fully builds out your recurring donor program.


Nonprofit teams tired of endlessly soliciting donations and ready for sustainable funding to forecast your impact from recurring donors.

(We only work with 5 orgs at a time)


A digital strategist, website designer, and copywriter walk into…your life! 😆 You’ll have a full team ready to help you build your recurring donor online experience and market it!


What's a Before & After Look Like?

I'm so glad you asked :) here's a peek behind-the-scenes

This      perfect for you if:

You’re tired of the “We need new donors stat!” pressure scenarios

YOU're open to ADJUSTING your online donation tool



You want to spend time on donor stewardship. Imagine that! 

You WANT a donor's experience that converts

You want to see 80-90% retention rate with donors year-over-year

You do not have the funds or time to manage a full scale agency

  • Audit and optimize your donation tool to make sure it's a seamless giving experience

  • Avatar deep dive into who you want to attract as recurring donors

  • We'll review your Ads Manager account and make sure it's set up for success 

  • Brainstorm a name and branding for your recurring donor program
  • Review website landing page and thank you page templates & start designing!

  • We'll draft the SEO-optimized copy for your landing page 

  • Website revisions and testing

Here's What To Expect

Optimize Your Online Giving Experience

Website Design



  • Finalize website 

  • Social media ad graphics & ad copy will be created

  • Review your email marketing campaigns and other launch plans

  • We'll set up and run your social ad campaign to let your audience know about your new program!

Digital Marketing Plan



  • The final month is reserved for weekly Q&A calls and additional support as your campaign launches

  • We'll have a private Slack group reserved for communication

  • When your program goes live, our support doesn't stop! With 4 reunion calls per year, we'll bring in experts guests + time for peer-to-peer brainstorms to help your program continue to grow and thrive.

Q&A + Support


We've built 15 monthly giving programs and your next. :)  

Lauren, Cassie, Bex and I.

We get it.

You're juggling 3472034 tasks (ok maybe SLIGHT exaggeration) and creating a monthly giving program has probably been on your list for awhile. 

But. Where is the time and team to *actually* build it?

With this program, you’re hiring the dream team so we can make this happen for you!

while you raise $$$!!

Let Our Team Save You Time

We've built 15 monthly giving programs and your next. :) 

Mastermind Package

naming of program


custom website landing & thank you pages

copywriting for website & social ads

(2) social media graphics + Facebook & Instagram ad campaigns

one month of launch support + 4 yearly reunion calls!


Let's get started:

*4 payments of $2,375

*additional payment options provided

How To Get Your Board...On Board!

You know a monthly revenue stream of consistent donations is not ONLY greatly beneficial for your organization, but also YOUR mental capacity when it comes to fundraising.

How can we get them just as excited about this!?

Download this email template >>>


Want to learn some more tips for improving your online presence? Follow along on social!
