Is Your CRM Working for You?


presented by:


Dana Snyder
CEO & Founder, Positive Equation

Brittany Wardlow
Head of Business Development,

Instil confidence in your tech tools

Year-End is approaching fast, but there's still time to make sure you're set up for success in your fundraising efforts.

So, let's take stock of your current process—whether that's a nonprofit CRM, a for-profit CRM, or a spreadsheet-based solution—and see what kinds of gaps might still remain. 

We look forward to seeing you there!

If you can't make it live, registering above will put you on the list to receive the recorded on-demand version of the webinar after it's over. 

When you sign up for Is Your CRM Working For You - Instil Confidence In Your Tech Tools, you’ll leave the session:

With a self-audit of your existing tech stack

Understanding trends we've noticed in the steps thought leaders in organizations of all sizes are taking to make sure they're getting the most of their technological investments. 

How both the theory and process are changing for Year-End initiatives ranging from annual acknowledgements to donor stewardship at various stages to pledge reconciliation and more.