5 Steps to Attract New Donors Using Social Media
(No email required)
How to draft a content plan in 20 minutes
The simple FREE tools needed (and some paid ones too if you want to take your data skills up a notch!)
What social media metrics matter for your nonprofit
How to create a social media plan that directly aligns with your organization's goals
Understand what social media platforms are MOST valuable for you to focus on
Owner, Beautiful Photo Photography
Morbi id metus non nisi dignissim vulputate nec et ipsum. Maecenas eleifend libero eget est pretium malesuada. Sed pulvinar purus mauris, ut mollis erat pharetra ut. Ut ultricies ante quis tortor condimentum volutpat. Morbi mi risus, cursus eu felis rutrum, sodales mollis erat. Sed sagittis posuere libero eu sagittis. Quisque dapibus enim eros, ut ornare ante luctus eget. Sed mi libero, porttitor sit amet lacinia quis, semper non purus.
"Dana Snyder is the Olivia Pope of social media. She's got it HANDLED."
- Lesley
I'll be your instructor, coach, and your cheerleader throughout this course.
With 10+ years of experience in digital marketing, I've had the pleasure of working with Movember, Dress for Success, USTA, American Idol, The Global Foodbanking Network, The Gary Sinise Foundation, Holocaust Museum LA, LA84 Foundation, and many more wonderful organizations on their social media strategies.
I'm based in Atlanta, GA, LOVE to travel anywhere new, and usually can find me with a nice glass of cabernet at the end of the day.
I believe positive stories of change can transform our world to be a better place.
That’s why I help heart-driven nonprofit marketers cultivate a passionate audience of donors, partners, and advocates through innovative digital consulting.
my story