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FEB 26 -27

Why A/B Testing Matters with Social Ads

Reading Time: 4 minutes

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A/B testing is absolutely critical if you’re running ads on social media. How do you know what the best combination of copy and visuals is going to be for your audience?

In this mini episode of Ask Me Anything, we’re getting to the heart of how you can reframe your mindset and frustrations around ads. It’s easy to say, “I didn’t see the result I wanted, so my ad failed”, but there is SO much in the data that can teach us something.

I’m ready to break it all down for ya and share my favorite A/B testing strategies. Let’s go!

What A/B testing is and why it REALLY matters

Have you ever heard the buzzword “A/B testing” and wondered what it actually is?

So here’s my super simple definition: A/B testing is a way to compare two versions of something to figure out what performs better.

You can apply A/B testing to all kinds of elements, from mailers, images, copy, landing pages, and even the color of your donate button!

When you’re trying to figure out what combination of messaging and visuals appeals best to a specific audience, there’s truly nothing more powerful.

How I’ve applied A/B testing to paid ad campaigns 

I can’t stress enough how important testing is. When I worked in corporate America, I saw this firsthand. They test EVERYTHING.

If you’re ready to take action, here’s what I suggest when it comes to paid ads:

  1. Start by creating two pieces of content with unique graphics.
  2. Next, it’s time to mix and match! When you’re in Facebook Ads Manager, create your first ad with your copy and graphics, and click “Duplicate.” 
  3. Now you can change up the copy or the graphics from the ad you originally created.
  4. Click duplicate again, and then again, until you have 4 unique ad sets with mixed and matched copy and graphics.

Then, the magic happens. As the results roll in, you’ll easily see which is the winning combination. And you can take that winning combination and apply it to snail mail campaigns, email newsletters, an event poster, you name it.

The biggest misconception about paid social media ads

Have you ever launched a paid ad campaign and didn’t get the results you had hoped for?

I get it, it happens.

It may be easy to think the ad ultimately failed, but I promise you, there is SO much in the data that will teach you something. I’m literally doing these tests right now in my mastermind group as our members prepare to launch their monthly giving programs.

Want to see what A/B testing looks like in action? Here’s a peek at two ads I ran for a webinar I promoted earlier this year. Can you guess what the winning combo was?

A                                                                               B














C                                                                                    D – WINNER


I hope this episode fills you with inspiration and intrigues you to do some A/B testing of your own. Also? I love doing these AMAs, so if there’s anything you’re curious about, let me know.

Notable Quote from Dana

“One of the biggest misnomers with ads is ‘I didn’t see the result I wanted, so my ad failed. And the truth is, no, you are always getting back data that’s teaching you something. I really believe that we need to reframe our mindset and our frustration. Yes, we are paying because we want results, but you’re getting information back that you wouldn’t have had before.”

Resources & Links

Ask me anything! Click here to send me your questions about digital marketing, virtual or hybrid events, social advertising, online fundraising, or building a business.

Join my upcoming live workshop series, Grow Your Gifts, and learn how to launch optimized ad campaigns on Instagram and Facebook, plus get personalized feedback from me. Get on the interest list now to learn more and have a successful giving season.

My mastermind is reopening in January! If you’re ready to build and launch an impactful monthly donor program in just 3 months, apply here

Want to make Missions to Movements even better? Take a screenshot of this episode and share it on Instagram. Be sure to tag @positivequation so I can connect with you. 

  1. […] Episode 28: Why A/B Testing Matters with Social Ads […]

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