
Missions to Movements


Welcome to my blog! Where I share my raw & real thoughts + experiences about digital marketing for nonprofits.

4 Simple Steps to Generating New Revenue Streams for Your Nonprofit

Reading Time: 4 minutes Author: Jamie Klobuchar, Executive Vice President of Evolve Giving Group (she/her)  My big lesson in the importance of revenue diversification in your fundraising strategy came as a result of two national disasters–September 11 and Hurricane Katrina.  At the time, I was working at a nonprofit that raised the majority of their annual revenue from special […]

Executive Directors


The Secrets to Cultivating a Relationship with your Event Sponsors

Reading Time: 4 minutes   It is no longer a secret that building partnerships are vital to the longevity of any organization or personal brand. That is why I teach… Relationship first. Business second. Imagine someone asking you for money to execute their event without knowing them or their vision. Now, I know some of you are generous, but […]

Executive Directors


7 Steps to Thought Leadership for Social Impact

Reading Time: 5 minutes   Our universe is abundant with donors, clients, ambassadors, and any type of audience you want to grow. The real competitor is Noise. Distraction. The real challenge for us is obscurity and figuring out how to transform from a best-kept secret to a household name. I believe the solution is thought leadership and positioning ourselves […]

7 Steps to Thought Leadership for Social Impact

Executive Directors


4 Ways to Help Your Team Prioritize Goals in Any Work Environment

Reading Time: 5 minutes   Focused, productive teams. Teams prioritizing goals that support the mission of your organization. The community you serve depends on it. But how can you support getting your team on the same page? It won’t happen organically. But it doesn’t have to be hard. It requires a combination of guidance, support, and accountability. Automation and […]

Executive Directors



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