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Get ready to rock-n-roll in Nashville, TN, at the Raise fundraising conference at the Country Music Hall of Fame and Museum!

Sept 9 & 10

Get ready to rock-n-roll in Nashville, TN, at the Raise fundraising conference!

Sept 9 & 10

How to Craft Social Posts That Drive More Engagement

Reading Time: 3 minutes


Everyone can tweet, ‘gram, pin, the list goes on. But not everyone is going to captivate an audience while doing so. Today, I’m dishing on the non-negotiables that will guarantee social posts that drive more engagement!


Whenever you make a post that features a brand or an individual, locate their @handle and be sure to tag them, both in the caption and the image. A brand may also have a strategic hashtag they want you to populate – include that too! This generates connection and encourages folks to engage with your post. 


Just one quick trick can take up so much more real estate in your audience’s feed – using square formatted video (1:1)! Crop your videos before posting to social media to ensure the most optimal sizing for people’s timelines.


Another big video tip to check off your list is to include captions on your videos. This allows a scrolling audience that either a). can’t / doesn’t wish to listen to the sound on your video, or b). is hearing impaired, to enjoy what you produced and grasp the big takeaways.


When designing visuals on your Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn or other platform with a cover image option, use a free tool like Canva to optimize the cover image for each platform. You should always choose the most captivating image and consider including your social @handle, website URL, or details for an upcoming event you’re hosting/product you’re launching. This is extra real estate that is often overlooked – use it to your advantage!


Bit.ly is a fabulous free resource that allows you to track how many times your links have been clicked. You can generate unique links for each social platform if you wish, or simply track the one link to see how your social strategy is performing holistically.

Bit.ly also shortens your links, decluttering and optimizing your posts visually. Opt to use this tool whenever possible to up-level audience experience (and your metrics tracking).


… Instead of a dry brand voice. You know how it goes – you’re in love with a company’s mission and work, but their social media comes across stale and flat due to their lack of creativity and personality.

Creating a persona for your brand, along with a tone to match, goes a LONG way. Now I’m not telling you to be silly if that’s not you, nor represent yourself in a fashion that is outside of your comfort zone – I simply mean to tap into that authentic voice that’s already set in the foundation of your brand.

It’s also important to consider the audience and who will best respond to your types of content. Create a tone and personality with them in mind – who/what are they most likely to connect with? Aim for your target people and meet them where they’re at.


Marie Forleo’s recent video about the minimal viable action really spoke to me. She explains how all people need to hear is the smallest possible action in order to act!

For example, when asking for donations, simply adding on the phrase: “Every penny will help,” can nearly double the amount of donations to your cause.

She says, “If you want to inspire someone to act, suggest the smallest action possible.”

All they need to do is sign up with their email, tag a friend in the comments, donate just $1, etc. and they will be rewarded. Utilizing this technique in your marketing efforts is a serious game changer.

Making small shifts in your social strategy can make a huge impact on your success. I challenge you to pick 2-3 of these tasks to implement for the next week or two, adding more as you go. I guarantee you will notice a difference!


  1. […] for-profit corporations—can help. Data marketing allows nonprofits to take a focused approach to reach a larger audience and fundraise more […]

  2. […] engagement data to optimize your website. Web engagement data gives you data-backed insights into how visitors are engaging with your site and how you can improve to foster even more […]

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