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FEB 26 -27

My #1 Strategy on How To Increase Brand Awareness

Reading Time: 3 minutes

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Wondering how to increase brand awareness for your company? How can you get above ALL the noise?

There are countless ways to raise brand awareness, increase your visibility, your sales, and your donations, but there has been ONE secret along my own journey that has exponentially increased the notoriety of my business more than anything.

Can you guess what it is? Tune in to find out!

Today’s episode concept actually came from a reflection of my business over the past two years that I want to share with you.

This strategy has brought me so much joy, and the best part? There are so many different ways to try it for yourself.

My favorite strategy to increase your visibility and brand awareness is…

Drumroll, please… it’s public speaking!

Now here me out. I know some of you reading this might be thinking, there is NO way I’m going to do any public speaking for my business, but I want to share with you a few ways that you can approach public speaking that can not only get your name out there but also help your organization reach new audiences.

Start out by creating a list of stories, experiences, and areas of expertise that you have that could be easily framed into a compelling pitch. 

I love how my business bestie Ellen Yin of Cubicle to CEO does this. She’ll frame each story idea into a juicy question. So using my business as an example, one of these could be:

How did I land in the Top 30 of all marketing podcasts with an $800 launch budget?

Or how about this one:

How can you increase your brand’s visibility in just $1 per day?

Sounds a lot more interesting than just saying I can talk about social media ads, right?

Public speaking opportunities don’t just take place on stages

Podcasts are an incredible way to get the word out about you and your organization. Research a list of podcasts you can be on where you don’t have to travel and can wear your comfy clothes for the presentation.

Next, consider webinars!

Whether you are leading the webinar, or you just want to be part of a panel discussion, let it be known that you are available to participate. Pitch companies that regularly host webinars and see if you can join them for an upcoming virtual event.

Or how about presenting to a small group of people through a foundation or your local Chamber of Commerce?

Guest blogging is gold

Guest blogging is another underrated goldmine for getting your name out there. There’s no better way to boost your credibility and drive while skyrocketing your traffic.

What publications would love to hear your story of what you’ve achieved and the challenges you’ve overcome? From the Create and Cultivates of the world to the Chronicle of Philanthropy, everyone is looking for good content (yours, included!)

When it comes to public speaking, start where you’re comfortable and grow from there. I can tell you firsthand, that the speaking opportunities I’ve had over the past two years have significantly changed everything about my business, and I LOVE it.

So where can you find that same joy in telling your story? 

Notable Quote from Dana

“Guest blog posts are a great way to boost your credibility, drive back views to your website, plus, when you Google search your name or your organization’s name, it has the ability to rank higher.”

Resources & Links

Join my upcoming live workshop series, Grow Your Gifts, and learn how to launch optimized ad campaigns on Instagram and Facebook, plus get personalized feedback from me. Get on the interest list now to learn more and have a successful giving season.

My mastermind is reopening in January! If you’re ready to build and launch an impactful monthly donor program in just 3 months, apply here

Want to make Missions to Movements even better? Take a screenshot of this episode and share it on Instagram. Be sure to tag @positivequation so I can connect with you. 

  1. […] I can only echo how amazing it is to get into public speaking, which is my not-so-secret #1 strategy for increasing your brand awareness. (Tune in to Episode 31 to hear more about my speaking journey!) […]

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