Welcome to my blog! Where I share my raw & real thoughts + experiences about digital marketing for nonprofits.
Reading Time: 3 minutes I was fortunate to meet and work with Greta Vanhersecke while I worked at DKC. I was based in the NY office and Greta worked in the LA office. We were often on new business pitches together and always loved her drive! After I started Positive Equation, Greta would ask me a few questions […]
Reading Time: 2 minutes One of my favorite things to do is travel! There was a whole industry dedicated to luxury travel I didn’t even know existed until I met Danielle Dormand. Danielle is not only the Co-Founder of Index Select, but she was also my roommate in NYC for three years! I watched Danielle go through the […]
Reading Time: 10 minutes This year I turned 30 and thus an epic EuroTrip was necessary! My boyfriend and I (soon to become fiance…) started doing research on where we wanted to go. I came across the website, routeperfect.com. It allows you to enter your dates, a city to start from and builds a sample itinerary. From there […]
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