Welcome to my blog! Where I share my raw & real thoughts + experiences about digital marketing for nonprofits.
Reading Time: 4 minutes Imagine you’re one of your nonprofit’s email subscribers, sifting through the hundreds of emails you receive weekly. The subject lines all implore the reader to click through, but it isn’t anything new to you, so you toss them in the abyss of your spam folder without a second thought. As a nonprofit marketer, your […]
Reading Time: 5 minutes When it comes to the essential features of your nonprofit’s website, your ability to collect online donations is number one. Donately’s guide to online fundraising states that “with so many people spending so much time online, virtual fundraising is the most efficient and effective way for nonprofits to directly reach and engage their target audiences.” […]
Reading Time: 5 minutes Are you a nonprofit professional trying to figure out where your time is best spent? What should be your highest priority? I spoke at the 2022 Classy Collaborative and we found five leading trends for nonprofits and hot topics of conversation. What’s the future of our sector look like with a potential recession ahead? How […]
Reading Time: 5 minutes There may be one single thing keeping you from increasing your donations. It’s not your social media marketing strategy. And it’s not whether you’re running Facebook and Instagram ads for your nonprofit or not. No, my friend, it’s as simple as… Your online giving platform is outdated. In this post, I’ll give you 10 signs […]
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