Welcome to my blog! Where I share my raw & real thoughts + experiences about digital marketing for nonprofits.
Reading Time: 5 minutes Social media has the power to do great things, including converting your followers into donors, volunteers, or other types of supporters. If you’re struggling to persuade your followers to donate, it may be time to rethink your nonprofit’s approach to social media marketing. There’s no secret formula or a “hack” for the algorithm. Instead, […]
Reading Time: 7 minutes A website can be a great asset to your nonprofit’s community in a number of ways. Donors may use your site to donate and help you with your online fundraising efforts. Volunteers might use it to register for upcoming trainings or sign up for a shift. Constituents may navigate to your site to request […]
Reading Time: 6 minutes Attracting new donors to your cause is hard. While marketing campaigns are a core part of every nonprofit’s donor outreach strategy, they are both time-consuming and expensive. This is why it’s so important for nonprofits to steward and retain the donors that they’ve already gained, making the most of their marketing investments. Converting new […]
Reading Time: 8 minutes Picture this: your nonprofit’s website has been up and running for a while now. You’ve created a brand that you love, have shared meaningful stories, and have begun to see an uptick in traffic to your website. However, you aren’t seeing quite as much engagement as you want. In fact, barely anyone has enrolled in […]
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