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Get ready to rock-n-roll in Nashville, TN, at the Raise fundraising conference at the Country Music Hall of Fame and Museum!

Sept 9 & 10

Get ready to rock-n-roll in Nashville, TN, at the Raise fundraising conference!

Sept 9 & 10

Where Did 2018 Go!?

Reading Time: < 1 minute

 Photo by Sterling Davis on Unsplash Photo by Sterling Davis on Unsplash

I feel like I’ve blinked and 2018 is coming to an end!

It was the first full year I’ve lived in Los Angeles and boy, has it been an adventure!

This year, my Positive Equation team and I have been fortunate to work with amazing partners dedicated to creating a positive impact in other people’s lives.

A BIG thank you to American Idol, USTA, The Television Academy, Movember, Dress for Success, Wayfarer, LA84 Foundation, Hashtag Lunchbag, Unseen, game on, and the bench for an incredible year.

Whether you’re traveling for the holidays or staying close to home, I hope you have a Merry Christmas and wonderful New Year!

If you’re waiting for a plane, train, in traffic…here’s a fun video I worked on this holiday season with American Idol.

Cheers to 2019!

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