
We live in a subscription economy, yet many nonprofits are just beginning to unlock the transformative power of recurring donations. Here's how.


How Facebook Ads Fit Into Your Overall Nonprofit Development Strategy

Reading Time: 3 minutes

Let me tear down a common misconception in your nonprofit development strategy. The departments in your nonprofit aren’t separated from the marketing process. 

Every single member of your nonprofit is important in your entire marketing process! 

But so often in the nonprofit world, departments think they are very siloed. They each stick to their department and call it a day. 

I see marketers fall into that same trap, too. 

They don’t use every department to educate people about all of the incredible things their nonprofit does. 

But here’s the thing. Now more than ever, your donors want to be a part of your mission. They want to see transparency when it comes to where their gifts are going. 

Not only that but understanding more about your mission is a part of their entire donor journey! 

And the best part? Your social media ads can easily fit into your overall nonprofit development strategy. They can showcase how your mission drives impact! 

I’ll show you how they do in this post. But first…let’s get a brief overview of the donor journey.


women of color sit at a laptop as they work on their nonprofit development strategy with social media ads.

The Donor Journey and Your Social Media Ads Strategy

When was the last time you saw something online for the first time and said “yes, take my money!” 

I’m willing to bet it’s been a minute. 

Just like the buyer journey in the for-profit world, you have to take into consideration the donor journey. 

The donor journey is the entire process a potential donor goes through. From the awareness phase to the “I’ve donated, and now I can’t stop telling everyone about this cause” phase.

Your social media ads strategy needs to meet your potential donors at every point of their journey.

And you can use your Facebook advertising for your nonprofit to do that. Here’s where I explain the 4 Facebook ads nonprofits should run to walk your prospects through their donor journey. 


How Your Social Media Ads Fit Into Your Nonprofit Development Strategy 

Using social media ads to boost your entire nonprofit development strategy falls right in line with the donor journey. 

Because as I mentioned above, donors want to know how they’re helping to make a difference. 

According to Keela, “these [younger] generations want to feel like they’ve made an impact, like they’ve played an active role in driving positive change, and that they are contributing to something they care about.” 

That’s why it’s so important to leverage how your nonprofit development works together. 


How to Use Your Nonprofit Development Strategy to Create Social Media Ads

Your social media ads can touch every aspect of your organization. And, they should! 

By getting more involved with every department within your nonprofit development, you can educate people about all of the things you do. 

Here are just a few examples of how you can interconnect your entire nonprofit development strategy with social ads: 


Facebook Advertising for Nonprofits: Showcasing Your Programming Team

Use storytelling in your content and pull stories directly from your programming team. Raise brand awareness by creating an ad that tells the story of your why


Facebook Advertising for Nonprofits: Highlighting a Stellar Volunteer from the Volunteer Coordination Department

People like to see themselves represented in your content. It helps them feel even more connected to the cause. So, use storytelling to highlight a volunteer. Choose one who’s gone above and beyond for your nonprofit organization. And educate your readers on how people propel your mission. 


Facebook Advertising for Nonprofits: Transparency with Numbers from the Accounting Team

Work with your accounting team to showcase exactly where donors’ money is going. Make an infographic to explain what a $5, $25, $50, and $100 does for your mission! 

With the content pulled from the different departments, you can then build your ad campaign to meet your potential donors where they are in their donor journey. 


A laptop, coffee mug, and notebook with a pen sit on a desktop as someone gets ready to optimize their nonprofit development strategy with social media ads.

If you’re ready to showcase all of the good your nonprofit does, then weaving Facebook advertising for nonprofits into your strategy is crucial! 

Promise me you’ll stop boosting posts. Start implementing a strategic social ad strategy, instead. 

And to get you started,  I’ve created an entire program so you can learn everything there is to know about creating an ads campaign for your nonprofit. From mapping the donor journey with my signature Donor Attraction Method, to building an entire ads campaign that walks your prospects from awareness to advocacy.  You’ll learn how to use social media ads successfully. 

And you’ll learn how to weave them into your nonprofit development strategy so you can create ads that are nothing short of effective! 

Click here to learn more about how to make social media ads work for your nonprofit!

  1. […] takes us behind the scenes. You’ll hear how she’s converting leads for less than $1 using Facebook ads, the importance of A/B testing, and the mechanics of creating a successful lead generation […]

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