
Missions to Movements


Welcome to my blog! Where I share my raw & real thoughts + experiences about digital marketing for nonprofits.

Raising Funds for a Nonprofit Organization? Here’s the Smartest Way to Do It

Reading Time: 3 minutes Raising money for a nonprofit can feel daunting. Especially when it seems like you’ve used up all your other resources.  There are plenty of people out there who want to give to your mission. But getting your nonprofit in front of them so they can is exhausting.  If you’re raising funds for a nonprofit organization […]

Two women sit at laptops while raising funds for a nonprofit organization.

Social Media Tips


Digital Marketing & Fundraising Trends For 2022

Reading Time: 4 minutes Author: Caroline Fothergill, Digital Marketing Strategy & Campaigns for Nonprofits & Cause-Driven Businesses Caroline is an incredible colleague of mine and I love the analysis she’s put together below for you! So many good nuggets in here. Grab your notebook and get ready for some seriously good digital marketing & fundraising tactics to implement into […]

caroline fothergill



Top 3 Nonprofit Marketing Myths About Social Media Ads

Reading Time: < 1 minute Afraid of Social Media Ads? You’re probably falling for one of these 3 Nonprofit marketing myths about social media ads. Let’s debunk them now. The truth? Social Media Ads can help make fundraising a lot easier for your nonprofit organization. You just have to know what to do. In this video, I’m covering the 3 […]

Social Media Tips


How Nonprofits Can Gain Confidence & Clarity in Their Numbers

Reading Time: 2 minutes Looking at your budget for 2022? Reviewing numbers from 2021? Numbers can tell us a very important story – in this video Stephanie and Dana discuss how nonprofits can gain confidence and clarity in their numbers. Essentially – how to make smart decisions to grow your bottom line and impact. Stephanie Skryzowski is a visionary […]

Stephanie Skryzowski

Executive Directors



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