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1 Website Update That Can Drastically Improve Conversions

Reading Time: 2 minutes


There’s ONE word that might be hindering your conversion rate on your website and your emails, and you’ll be shocked to know what it is.

Today’s solo episode is one I’ve been wanting to record for awhile. This topic came up in my monthly giving mastermind program as I was tackling online donation audits for each organization.

What I’m about to share goes into the psychology of giving, and this is hands down one of the simplest changes you can make that will create an even bigger impact.

Sneak Peek:

In This Episode:

  • The different mentality between giving money vs. creating an impact
  • How color subliminally induces different moods and emotions without a person consciously realizing it!
  • Boosting conversions and building urgency through the use of active verbs 
  • Powerful examples from Leap and the International Justice Mission (would you rather “donate”, or “save your seat on the bench?”)
  • The quick, 5 minute homework assignment that will inspire you to take action on your website

Notable Quotes from Dana

“Think about the mentality someone is in when they’re preparing to make a gift. Do you want them to be thinking about what they’re giving? (which is money usually), or the impact they’re creating?”

“Take five minutes combing through your website and write down all of the different buttons that you have on your website and check: what does the color mean? Is the placement okay? How can I make this one more impact-driven? Brainstorm a few options.”

Resources & Links

Spend less time posting manually and use Later for all your social media management and analytics needs! Start with a FREE account today.

Want to make Missions to Movements even better? Take a screenshot of this episode and share it on Instagram. Be sure to tag @positivequation so I can connect with you. 

Episode Partner:

Feathr is trusted by nonprofits of all shapes and wing-spans — including Hiway 80, who used Feathr to launch new retargeting ads and email campaigns. The result? They reached 36,000 new people and brought in $13,000 in donations, 300% more than their original goal! Don’t rely on magic to hit your goals next year. Use Feathr to elevate your digital marketing campaigns and grow impact in 2023. Click here to learn more.

  1. […] 1 Website Update That Can Drastically Reduce Conversions […]

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