
Missions to Movements


Welcome to my blog! Where I share my raw & real thoughts + experiences about digital marketing for nonprofits.

How to Rethink Your Ask to Give

Reading Time: 2 minutes What if we’re thinking about fundraising ALL wrong? How should you rethink your ask to give? Instead of always asking what we want FROM donors…what about thinking about what we want FOR them. How can we help them feel integrated into meaningful work that they’re passionate about? This is the perfect episode to pause and […]

Michael Mitchell

Executive Directors


How to Stand Out in Email Marketing with Julia Campbell

Reading Time: 2 minutes Don’t let your emails get lost in the inbox! ? Julia and I are both BIG fans of social media, but we also understand the power of email marketing done right. The one and only, Julia Campbell joins me to talk about email marketing best practices for nonprofits, tools, and…most common mistakes to avoid!   […]

Executive Directors


How To Attract and Find Corporate Partnerships for Nonprofits

Reading Time: 2 minutes Has finding corporate sponsorships for your nonprofit felt daunting in the past? Mallory was an ED of a 2M dollar organization (that she grew from 300k) – working 70 hours a week to keep everything afloat. Oh yeah, she gets you! Now a fundraising consultant for nonprofits, we’ll be talking about how to find and […]

Executive Directors


How To Virtually Serve Your Audience & Successfully Approach Digital Fundraising

Reading Time: < 1 minute How do you virtually serve your audience and successfully approach digital fundraising? Let me give you an incredible example. Have you noticed an increase in mustaches during November? You can thank Movember – the leading men’s health charity tackling prostate cancer, testicular cancer, mental health, and suicide prevention. I recently talked with Katelynn Whitaker, the […]

How to Successfully Approach Digital Fundraising with Movember

Executive Directors



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