Welcome to my blog! Where I share my raw & real thoughts + experiences about digital marketing for nonprofits.
Reading Time: 5 minutes Social media has the power to do great things, including converting your followers into donors, volunteers, or other types of supporters. If you’re struggling to persuade your followers to donate, it may be time to rethink your nonprofit’s approach to social media marketing. There’s no secret formula or a “hack” for the algorithm. Instead, […]
Reading Time: 4 minutes In one of my previous posts, I explained the top 5 benefits of Facebook ads and why you need them for your nonprofit marketing strategy. Well, knowing why you should use nonprofit Facebook ads is one thing. But knowing how to use them is a whole other ball game. That’s okay – that’s what I’m […]
Reading Time: 3 minutes “This program made me feel so empowered!” That’s what Molly Gascoigne of ASCRS said after she leveled up her social media ads for nonprofits strategy through Digital Donors On-Demand. She’s a development professional in a nonprofit organization with a niche program and audience. And for a while, she had been looking for a strategic, low […]
Reading Time: 3 minutes Let me tear down a common misconception in your nonprofit development strategy. The departments in your nonprofit aren’t separated from the marketing process. Every single member of your nonprofit is important in your entire marketing process! But so often in the nonprofit world, departments think they are very siloed. They each stick to their department […]
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